Tuesday, September 4

Ive got som questions about my schedule about this year and how it looks like now. well, im taking history, math, mandarin, sience (its a mix of all of em) and i might take social studdies too, but its kinda like a distans course... we'll see about that.

otherwise, right now i am home, just chillin. waiting for my mandarin class is gonna start. aand, also my bike just got stolen today, fml. ahhh i dont wanna deal with that effing thing.


Saturday, September 1

here we go

today, ive only been chillin out. kinda tired from yesterday... only myself to blame for it too. i skyped with keaton who took me around campus at AH. oh my god girl i miss you all so much its honestly redicoulus. there is not one day that passes where im not thinking about you, what we did and my other home - charleston.

take me back.